Saturday, May 22, 2004

Lies All Lies

I read an article once that delved into the idea that super powers, governments etc. keep the general public under control through creating a general sense of fear for everything. Don't do that, it's bad for your health, don't eat that you'll get fat, don't go to Hat Yai you'll get shot, etc. Okay, so it might have been in Bizarre magazine or something equivalent, and I haven't relayed it very well, but the Foreign and Commonwealth Office must play a big part in this. Hat Yai seems fine. I'm fine too. Well, a four hour wait in Hat Yai, then another train up to Bangkok. By the time I get there, 8am tomorrow my time) I will have spent a grand total of 49 hours on trains or in and around train stations. Beats the shit out of the Adelaide Perth trek. It sounded so easy too, when Phil said, 'Fly to Singapore and then get the train up.' Haha, it's not been too taxing though.

Memory's a Strange Old Thing

Gave my self the shock of my life today. I can still remember a bit of Thai. Class. Albeit a very bit, bit (if you will) but still, I haven't spoken the words i found popping out of my mouth just a few moments, ago for four years!

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