Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Long time no blog. I haven't been doing very much so I've been kind and decided not to bore you all with blogs of the dull nature (although some of you would probably argue that they're all dull). At the moment I'm back in Manchester staying at Jess' place. Bought a camera the other day in preparation for the travels. It's no ordinary camera though and very easy to get some weird pictures out of it. Needless to say my first roll of film came out shit but I'll get used to using it soon enough. The camera's called a lomo camera and there's a whole bloody society dedicated to lomography. Freaks. Good thing is though the website gives you a load of free space to store your pictures so when I've got some good ones they'll be uploaded onto this site. There's nothing there at the moment but there will be soon. There's a link on the left to it aswell but I'll keep you posted as to new additions etc.

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